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Are you like me, longing for an invitation? I’m not picky. After shutdowns and quarantines (our quarantine extended almost 7 months – but that is for another day) I’m craving anything with my people. I long for any excuse to connect with friends, take in a sports event, enjoy to live music, or savor a meal together at a favorite restaurant. If you live near me that would be a meal at the Bluedoor Café or Darby’s on 59.

What has played out on the world stage the last two years goes against how we were created. Efforts to stop the spread of a virus also put a stop to many human connections.

We were made in the image of the Triune-God, Father, Son and Spirit Who exist in perfect community, in unity, in love and togetherness. Imago Die (the image of the un-created Creator) is in each of us. We were made for that kind of close, authentic community. Our souls were made to intersect deeply with life’s journey of our people.


is one of my favorite attributes of Almighty God – inviting His children to relationship, inviting to turn to Him, inviting to just be and be with Him, to come to Him and inviting us to be molded and shaped more like the perfect One, Jesus. Inviting. Yes, the creator of the universe is always inviting with a forever kind of love. The kind of hard to believe love sung about by 80’s artists, often in an emotional duet!

This blog is my invitation to you. You are invited to come find a place of shared community. Come join spiritual conversations that matter. Join as I endeavor to offer in words stories for the soul as we look at the bigger story that contains each of our unique stories. We may not be able to connect in person as often as I would like but we can connect here regularly.

This conversation is for the narrow road travelers, the weary, the souls trudging through suffering and those just needing a little does of faith. All are included in this invite: the seekers, the skeptics, the haters and yes, even the ones not yet on the narrow road.

You can expect to hear from me weekly(ish) with thoughts from the lenses of faith, spiritual formation and authentic living. This is a space I’ll share about my journey of walking with Jesus, creative endeavors, family adventures and whatever is stirring in my soul. I'll probably even share about personal interests such as soap making and hospitality. And I'll offer my perspective on topics like gratitude, singleness, marriage, parenthood, inclusion, growth and spiritual formation. My hope is that those who join will be pointed to the One who offers real connection, real rest, restoration and shapes His people like Himself.

You, yes you—wonderfully, beautifully, uniquely you—you are invited. I hope you will join!



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Mar 28, 2022

So beautiful, Virginia. God uses His words through you to penetrate the soul! Keep them all coming!!


Mar 21, 2022

Beautiful I look forward to reading more.

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